Mar 10, 2011

Weekend Special: California Cheddar Eggs Benedict

California Cheddar Eggs Benedict. I recently bought a couple of cute egg poachier spoon thingys from Crate and Barrel and felt inspired to make eggs benedict. I was too lazy to make hollandaise sauce so a I made a cheddar béchamel to go on top of the poached eggs with fresh sliced tomatoes and creamy avocado. Delicious!

California Eggs Benedict

Avocado & Egg - Oval Together


  • OMG!!!!! The food sounds yummy, but holy-moley “Avocado & Egg — Brothers from another mother” — hysterical laughter ensued in our house!!

  • YES! Score! Keep laughing! That makes me happy to hear. I think I might change the text to “Brothers from other mothers” …that sounds better to me. Thoughts?

    It was defo yummy. I’m pretty sure this picture is of Alison’s breakfast because I was a quarter of the way through mine when I realized I should take a picture. :)

    Also, you get credit for the first comment on my blog ever!

  • my pajama pants are in this photo!!!

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You need to know…

I'm a graphic designer by trade and a cook by hobby.

I've just moved back to my home state of California from Boston, Mass. My array of available fresh ingredients has just multiplied like a group of happy bunnies.

I will cook anything and everything. I also like to eat, a lot! Let me show you what I'm cooking and eating.